‘The Office Fitout Bible’ guide to office fit out and design

Office fit out cost guide

Our guide explains the process of fit out or re-design of your office. This journey can be thrilling, rewarding and satisfying experience with the right partner. As with any construction lead project there are multiple factors that could be costly and take time and energy probably best spent driving your own business Select Interiors design […]

6 Office Design Trends for 2021

Many businesses have spent quite some time away from their offices in the last year, which means you may notice things you’d like to upgrade and refresh to give it a bit of TLC. Working from home isn’t permanent and we have no doubt that the return to the office will be exciting for everyone! […]

4 ways to incorporate Wellbeing into your Workspace

A workplace that truly supports the well- being of its occupants must go beyond just protecting their physical health. In this section we offer suggestions for achieving well-being by taking a holistic approach that addresses physical and psychological health and well-being in the workplace Design to improve mental health Numerous factors increase stress levels. Lack […]

Add Dynamism And Improve Productivity In The Office…

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Numerous studies have shown that colour in the workplace affects our perception. The human eye can perceive millions of different colours, we only have the common nouns to describe a fraction of these shades. Colour can stimulate the cognitive area of the brain and affect mood and productivity.  by adding colour to your […]

Fabric Trend Report 2020 snippet

Two Snippets from Camira Fabrics 2020 Trend Report which provides a barometer of trends for textiles, colours, textures and aesthetics for 2020.

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